Wallpaper app aia

Hello friends, today we are going to provide you the wallpaper app aia file which is professinally created by tartaali for you like people. This app have many features which are given below. This app is also provided with admin app which you can also download from the link given below. PLATFORM - Kodular DATABASE USED - Airtable, Cloudinary, Firebase VIDEO (WATCH FULL VIDEO)  - FEATURES - - High quality aia file - Profesional aia UI - Ads promotion system - Like system - Trending system - Airtable database - Free to download DOWNLOAD MAIN AIA FILE DOWNLOAD ADMIN AIA FILE AIRTABLE LINK - https://airtable.com/invite/l?inviteId=invCBSU92mcDGW0Hd&inviteToken=fe0a0d31d821a3594a0b85823dd7f2dbba7a54c76cb268f76d5b4a44fa163e8e

Chatbot in kodular

Name - chatbot
Description - A small project that can be used to explain about your app.

Accepected statements

what’s your name
who created you
This is a project that you can use and add it to your app. This made only to explain how you can create chatbot in simple way.
This is connected to airtable so you can add much more if and then statements there only.

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